Sunday, December 2, 2012

Blood and Diseases

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. To Him belongs eternal praise! Psalm 111:10

What does it mean when the Bible says that the life of every creature is in its blood…?

Per the World health statistics 2012 report, one in three adults worldwide suffer raised blood pressure – a condition that causes about half of all deaths from stroke and heart disease, and one in ten adults suffer diabetes. In this article, we’ll focus on blood and diseases, and my personal experience that eventually led me to create this blog.

Our blood is the principal focal point in exploring our health. Blood tests reveal anomalies, sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden, that we might be suffering. However, a medical practitioner’s interpretation of it is vital. Diagnosis and follow up tests are crucial. A mistake could mean wrong treatment. Wrong treatment fails to nail down the monster deteriorating our health, and this could succumb to serious morbidity, putting our life in jeopardy. I can’t describe the horror, if any of our loved ones should go through it. God forbid! This blog is, expressly, created to educate and equip us in defense against non-communicable disease, or NCD, which is the leading cause of the present mortality (of all ages) in the world, representing over 60% of all deaths. The only shield against this global threat is wholesome and vibrant health.

The good news, though, is that wholesome and vibrant health is not only possible but affordable too.

Fluid connective tissue
Blood - an important fluid connective tissue
Our blood comprises of red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), platelets, and other chemical and biological components. Together, the complex composition and the intricacies of its various function, dispensing life to our body, is undoubtedly an absolute masterpiece; and it is beyond the scope of this blog to attempt any discussion over the subject. However, we will discuss the existential issue of pain and suffering that creates a twilight zone, heaping an emotional trauma, and leaving us susceptible to chronic diseases. We will do lots of case studies of various chronic and pre chronic conditions, one at a time. We will study their related blood deficiencies and ailing symptoms (in lay terms, of course); and, our definite and practical steps in defense against such disorders and, thereby, achieving wholesome and vibrant health.

Let’s begin with anaemia, a condition where the level of haemoglobin in the blood is below the normal range. If we are anaemic, the symptoms could be constipation, leading to internal or external pile or fissure; allergies, common cold and runny nose; itchy eyes/nose/ears, sore throat, wheezing and breathing difficulty; fatigue and constant feeling of being unwell.

Among women, anaemia during pregnancy is a common health concern and significant contributor to maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide.

Now let’s take up three different cases, one at a time, facing a common threat, anaemia:

(i)                A guy with allergic rhinitis, or hay fever;
(ii)             A woman under psychiatry treatment; and
(iii)           Pregnancy.

Case (i) – A guy with allergic rhinitis, or hay fever

This is none but me. Suffering for about 10 years, as explained in the previous article, with immunoglobulin shots, running high on its side effects, trying alternative medications, and then with the help of some blood tests, confirming anaemia, and finally with the new found key – “the life of every creature is in its blood…” Leviticus 17:14.

The key hit me naturally. Nothing really spooky happened, but I had been praying and meditating the Word. It was my only source of hope and comfort amidst my ill health, fatigue and constant feeling of being unwell.

Ten years were enough for me, so I thought, and moreover, it was about time. I realized that if I can have my blood – deficient of nothing – but wholesome, then I can thrive vibrant! Out of this resonating impulse, I rushed to a nearby physician. He scribbled a prescription of iron tablets for a course of two months. In a week or two, I was able to feel something good, tangible. My metabolic activity was promising. I was able to breathe, unlike before, without being afraid of allergies, cold or even jasmine fragrance or other smells alike. However, like Job resents, “what I feared the most has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me” Job 2:11, something uninvited swat me really, really bad. It was my iron supplements!

In the next article, we’ll continue with our case studies, beginning with my misadventure; and how it all worked together in leveraging me in the right direction – a direction toward wholesome and vibrant health. Until then, HASHEM BLESS US ALL!!

PS: Dear readers, please feel free to leave your comments, or to share any related scriptures, or any tips that can help improve one's health. We just encourage you to keep learning and living vibrant health everyday. Never lose the joy, the passion, and most importantly never let anybody say that you can't live life to its fullest. Because that's just not true. God Bless You!!

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