Saturday, December 1, 2012

Health and Allergies

Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2

December 1st, World Aids Day, an opportunity for us worldwide to unite and fight against HIV. Promoting awareness of how to protect oneself, from its epidemic, via various preventive measures, what are we doing about those children, women and men, who are infected and suffering morbid immunity, deteriorating to death? 
If you are a volunteer or medical professional assisting and helping the persons, who are infected, with their health, please feel free to share information, in the comments, related to immunity status/role once a person gets infected and the scope for maintaining it to par. 

What does it take to be in good health? I believe, it's not just a good question, but categorically vital that we ponder, research and live out the answers. In this article, we'll not focus on HIV, but the rising issue of health worldwide, and my personal experience, which led me to create this blog. 

Today, both developed and developing countries alike are facing global threat, which is unprecedented. It is not HIV/AIDS, though we have marked December 1st as World Aids Day, or some other infectious disease, but non-communicable disease, or NCD, meaning, it's non-infectious and non-transmissible between persons. However, ironically, per World Health Organization (WHO), it's by far the leading cause of mortality (of all ages) in the world, representing over 60% of all deaths. 

Dying too long and living too short, best characterizes NCDs. NCDs may be chronic diseases of long duration and slow progression, or they may result in more rapid death as in some types of sudden stroke. They include autoimmune diseases, heart disease, stroke, cancers, asthma, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, and more. And this blog is dedicated to promote lifestyle that fights against and defies all these chronic conditions – belaboring toward a true preventive measure; motivating you (or, your loved ones) get back to your vibrant health or a whole brand new opportunity to exciting and enduring health!

Kolar Gold Fields
A view of KGF Club
Growing up in Kolar Gold Fields, or KGF – one of the oldest mining areas in India, I suffered allergies and cold. At times, I wouldn't even get sleep – wheezing all night, with spasm in my lungs, I would literally feel my lungs shattering every time I sneezed or coughed. It was really, really painful and hurting to death. And then, as usual, this would follow up with doctor’s consultation, diagnosis and medication. When I asked, why I’m prone to it while none of my parents or grandparents suffered any allergies? I would only get eluded and pointed to the polluted air caused by weedy pollen and huge hilly dumps – decades of mining deposit; and I’m simply susceptible to it. I would feel I was simply shushed and made to follow a dogmatic diet of "avoidance". I didn't know back then if it was reasonable. So, I strictly followed the dogma. Most food items that I had to abstain from were – curds, peanuts, lemons, lady’s finger (or okra), fruits and fruit salads, chocolates, etc. Though the diet helped me control my allergies for a while, I was growing weaker and weaker – fatigued to do even the simplest chores of everyday. The worst part was during rainy and winter, I would catch hay fever, or allergic rhinitis – feeling feverish with runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, sleeplessness, and wheezing. I can never forget the ENT specialist, or Otolaryngologist, without having me referred to allergy tests, administering those immunoglobulin shots. That is it! My body ran high on its side effects – blocked nose and tightness of chest causing breathing difficulties, feverish, and a constant feeling of being unwell.

At this point, I completely gave up hopes on mainline doctors, and started seeking help from alternative medications like Homeopathic and Ayurvedic. In spite of all these efforts, nothing seemed to change my health. I suffered allergies yet more, and grew more fatigue.

One of my friends suggested that I have my blood checked. So, I went through a couple of tests and found my haemoglobin level was way below par, a condition called anaemia, and I was suffering its symptoms – constipation and very low immunity. I knew this was the key.

Ten years, by then, it was an odd journey of constant distraction and discouragement! Despite all hell, there was one true hope and comfort that I usually received. It was from God’s very own word that He made me and knew everything about me (Psalm 139). Since I knew God’s word, I was able to relate my blood test results to my new found key – “the life of every creature is in its blood…” Leviticus 17:14. The key was always there and I knew it. However, it never occurred to me until then. 

In the succeeding articles, you’ll read about my trial and error attempts to achieve wholesome health. And with the new found key, being my common denominator, you’ll see how it all led to a progressive expedition of learning, application and adventure! Until then, HASHEM BLESS US ALL!!!

PS: Dear readers, please feel free to leave your comments, or to share any related scriptures, or any tips that can help improve one's health. We just encourage you to keep learning and living vibrant health everyday. Never lose the joy, the passion, and most importantly never let anybody say that you can't live life to its fullest. Because that's just not true. God Bless You!!

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