Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Loss of Biodiversity | Health Crisis: Piles - Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Behold, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food! Genesis 1:29

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Matthew 6:24-25.

How true are the words of Yashua (Jesus), who forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases! [Psalm 103:3]

We are at the brink of the most dangerous times ever! It’s a twilight zone! Our land, water and entire biodiversity is facing the risk of degradation. Natural resources are systemically looted from the natives of the land just for the sake of money and power. It is all done in the name of privatization.

“The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat Lily Tomlin

Our world is shrinking. True sense of national sovereignty exists no more. Every nation is heading toward the global-edge in its economy and power at the cost of subjugating and overthrowing its true values, once their founding fathers fought and sacrificed their lives for, just to incorporate their global agenda. Due to this on-going economic globalization, and with trade liberalization policies, our governments are trading nature, which is our God-given right (every common man’s right) to habitat, with transnational and international companies and corporations. Natural resources, which used to be under public control, are now widely and increasingly losing its control over to privatization.

Deforestation by lumber industries causing loss of biodiversity
Though privatization promises economic stability to developed countries, it has far-reaching consequences – one of them is degradation of biodiversity at global scale. It is happening at an exponential pace. Before we know, we will be there. Economic stability, then, will mean only martial power – nothing more or less. The inherent factor behind privatization is economy – a system of economy, a decisive step towards globalization.

In this system of economy, sustainability of biodiversity is out of its prospect. If this system continues, the ramifications are unparalleled. This race, which is heading towards apocalypse, has to stop before it’s too late!

Now let’s get back to the case study, a guy with allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, we started in one of our previous articles. This time we will conclude the case study to draw some important nutritional and pathological facts as an introduction to the next case study for our next article.

Case (i) – A guy with allergic rhinitis, or hay fever

This is none but me. Suffering for about 10 years, as explained in the previous articles, with immunoglobulin shots, running high on its side effects, and giving up on main line medicine! Trying alternative medications, with no results. And then with the help of some blood tests, confirming anaemia... and finally realizing the new found key – “the life of every creature is in its blood…” Leviticus 17:14.

The key hit me naturally. Nothing really spooky happened, but I had been praying and meditating the Word. It was my only source of hope and comfort amidst my ill health, fatigue and constant feeling of being unwell for almost a decade.

Ten years were enough for me, so I thought, and moreover, it was about time. I realized that if only I can have my blood – deficient in nothing but wholesome in every element, I can thrive vibrant! Out of this resonating impulse, I rushed to a nearby physician. He scribbled a prescription of iron tablets for a course of two months. In a week or two, I was able to feel something good, tangible. My metabolic activity was promising. I was able to breathe, unlike before, without being afraid of allergies, cold or even jasmine fragrance, or any other smells. However, like Job resents, “what I feared the most has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me” Job 2:11, something uninvited swat me really, really bad. It was my iron supplements!

What really happened? What went wrong? I had no clue. All I knew was going to the rest room at my work and severe constipation. Feeling of awfully uneasiness was steaming up. Severely fatigued, I wasn't able to focus at my work but vacillated. So I took permission and headed back to home.

          At home, I completely cut off on solid foods, and relied on fluids like fresh fruit juice and ice-cream shakes for the fear of chronic constipation (I didn't know ice-creams were junk, then); constipation did not improve, though. Rather, a feeling of incomplete evacuation of stools agitated, defecation became my nerve-wracking task. Little protrusion from the inflamed haemorrhoid, commonly known as piles, was hurting me really, really bad. Though, I tried some ointment to ease defecation, protrusion was getting worse from tender to rigid. Besides the pain, down-beat of disgust and deject was mounting. Nevertheless, I consulted a doc at a local piles clinic. He recommended no alternative than the immediate removal of piles using banding and ligation procedure. I was reluctant to it for the fear that I might develop gangrene. So, I went for a second opinion in a hospital where I could get admitted.

          The hospital wasn't bad, except for travel and long hours of waiting for the surgeon to attend the patient. 

          Initially, the trainee doctors, after history taking and observation, suggested the same as the local piles clinic doc had recommended to me. However, my faith, that pain medication and right diet alone should suffice, didn't allow me to accept their advice. So, I was put on pain therapy, hot-tub sits, and fiber-rich diet. 

Here is the diet that I followed at the hospital.

Morning Beverage & Breakfast
Green tea with lemon and gooseberry flakes (with a pinch of salt or honey, or both). Brown bread, or unrefined whole wheat bread toast with fruits.
Post Breakfast Snacks
Peanuts with sugarless fresh citrus fruit juice.
Appetizers or Starters for Lunch / Dinner
Nicely chopped cucumber and carrots with a piece of fresh lemon squeezed.
Any food made out of unrefined or very low processed whole grains like rye, pearl millet, sorghum, wheat; lots of fresh vegetables and esp., leafy ones with cooked tomato sauce and garlic, generously dressed with fresh coriander leaves.
Post Lunch / Evening Snack
Dry fruits like dates, figs; or cookies made of whole grain along with a cup of green tea.
Same as lunch but light.
Do not buy green harvested, hybrids, or genetically modified foods. Natural or organic is safe.
Cooking Caution
Ban the use of microwave ovens! Make sure your vegetables are always half cooked and not completely cooked. This helps retain its micro nutrients and minerals.
Fresh Fruits
Consumption: before meal (Recommended)
Citrus fruits, papaya, fresh fig fruit shakes, custard apples, pineapples, etc.
Green Tea
Consumption: After meal
Additives: Lemon, gooseberry flakes, honey, salt, cumin.
Diet Chart 1: Aimed at achieving high micro nutrients and minerals with rich dietary-fiber

Besides the diet, I also took some fibre supplement, Isapgol husk powder, which the doc had prescribed. The dosage was 1-3 times with sufficient water and caution as it might trigger some adverse side effects.


With strict adherence to the diet mentioned, I was able to see some improvements in just about two days. In less than a week, the hard piles started turning tender, and gradually, the inflammation began fading and disappearing. Further diagnoses were made to determine any anomalies in my GI tract, and the findings showed normal.

So, what caused the haemorrhoid inflammation or piles? It could be:

i.                Intake of iron supplements
ii.              Fast food diet
iii.            Constipation

However, other causes for developing piles include:

iv.            Constant stress
v.              GI tract anomalies
vi.            Pervert sexual practices
vii.          Lack of exercise
viii.        Obesity
ix.            Heavy weight lifting, and
x.              Anything that increases or builds up pressure in the veins of rectum and anus.

Some docs claim that the cause for haemorrhoid inflammation is as similar as that for varicose veins. However, others promptly admit that what causes it in particular, or what deficiencies may cause the inflammation, is still unknown.

Nevertheless, we needn't wait for the symptoms like constipation, feeling of incomplete evacuation of stools, or soreness, it’s always high time that we get our lifestyle and eating habits right, before it’s too late.

Also, in any case of health issues, it’s important that we consult our physicians and have a thorough diagnosis done. And although we understand, while reliance on a healthy diet is definitely a complementary, it’s not to be mistaken as an alternative medication.

In our next article, we’ll study the case of vitamin deficiency and severe anaemia in a patient under psychiatry treatment. Until then, live wholesome and thrive vibrant! HASHEM BLESS US ALL!!

PS: Dear readers, please feel free to leave your comments, or to share any related scriptures, or any tips that can help improve one's health. We just encourage you to keep learning and living vibrant health everyday. Never lose the joy, the passion, and most importantly, never let anybody say that you can't live life to its fullest. Because that's just not true. God Bless You!!

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